Clean and safe power in a more complex world

Monitoring and data: essential for clean, safe power in an increasingly complex world

No one should need to worry about the availability and safety of voltage and current. Production at virtually every company, the energy transition, and new ways of working are more closely linked to the proper functioning of electrical installations than ever before. At the same time, installations and components are becoming increasingly complicated and sensitive to the quality of electricity. Interdependencies between equipment, installations and the grid are increasing. Connected equipment, which is frequently needed to help realize the energy transition, can lead to problems and pollution.
Jorlan Peeters, Managing Director

“The number of standards – and their complexity – is increasing. Fairly recently, the NEN 1010-8 standard was introduced, including new requirements, measures and recommendations. This new part 8 of NEN 1010 is related to energy efficiency, the energy transition and achieving maximum efficiency with an energy management system. The safety provisions in the Dutch NEN 1010 standard, which focuses on Power Quality aspects, are essential for the design, construction, verification and modification of low-voltage installations. All of these developments make the work of the installation manager increasingly important and difficult. Current developments require more consideration and calculations, and greater knowledge of components and equipment.”

Jorlan Peeters

“Continuous insights into the current status of equipment and power quality phenomena, and the ability to analyze data and derive meaningful actions from the analysis, are key to solving the issues mentioned above. Once potential power quality issues are understood, improvement steps can be taken. Continuous monitoring also means automatic compliance with multiple aspects of the new NEN1010:2020 part 8 standard, and points are awarded for this. Compliance with standards such as NEN-EN 50160 and BREEAM can also be continuously monitored.”

“However, compliance with standards is not a guarantee for success. Not all power quality phenomena are recorded during every audit. Thanks to continuous up-to-date insights into the operation and efficiency of installations, far-reaching analyses can be carried out and (potential) problems detected at an early stage. Data can also be used for forecasts, maintenance planning, plant optimization and more.”


“HyTEPS has introduced a solution for monitoring and solving Power Quality problems in increasingly complex systems: Total Power Insight & Improvement. ‘TPI&I’ provides continuous insight into the performance of all parts of the installation and detects patterns, deviations and potential problems.”

“What’s more, customers are supported at every step by HyTEPS Power Competence Centre engineers. TPI&I provides continuous insight into the power quality characteristics of the installation and the performance of every component. Patterns, deviations and potential problems are also presented.”

“Monitoring relevant Power Quality parameters (along with reporting and advice) helps identify (potential) failures in electrical installations. With TPI&I we help increase the reliability, efficiency and safety of electrical installations.”

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