Jachten seminar – 6 juli 2023

Ensuring electrical safety on yachts

Date: 6 July | 12:00 – 17:00
Location: Elisabethplaats 30, Gemert
Language: English
Cost: Free of charge

Luxe jacht vlamboogonderzoek

Power Quality: essential on yachts

Power Quality is essential to guaranteeing the safety, reliability, and capacity of electrical installations on board of yachts. The increased use of inverters, such as in LED lighting, induction hobs and AC drives, means excessive harmonic distortion may occur in voltage and current. Poor Power Quality can also manifest itself in flickering lighting, heat generation, generators and switchgear overloading, and accelerated aging of connected equipment. To avoid issues, certification bodies set requirements for the maximum harmonic pollution on yachts. A frequently seen requirement is a 5% maximum harmonic distortion in the voltage (THDu) – however, meeting standards does not guarantee your installation will be trouble-free…

During our seminar we will look at the following topics in detail:

Generators and Power Quality

The impact of network pollution generated by devices is determined, among other things, by network impedance. Compared to land installations, on-board generators need to provide a relatively high network impedance Z, which means various Power Quality phenomena must be considered. Generator reliability generator can also be affected by high network pollution levels.

During our presentation, we will discuss the reliability of generators in heavily polluted networks. We’ll be zooming in on the different types of generators, Automatic Voltage Regulator effects, and impedance. In addition, we’ll discuss a case involving generators and Power Quality on a yacht.

Arc flash calculations

All work on an electrical network entails a risk of short circuits and arc flash hazards. Arc flashes may be rare, but the consequences can be disastrous. In the updated NEN 3140 standard, more attention is paid to the danger of arc flashes. To reduce risks and take appropriate protective measures, an arc flash RI&E is required. Mechanics, installers, and bystanders run great risks due to the enormous explosions that accompany arc flashes. Optimal protection against arc flashes is an absolute necessity. Calculating electric arc behavior up front contributes to safety. It provides insight into risks and how these can be minimized. The challenge lies mainly in arc flash selectivity and short-circuit selectivity. By understanding arc flash energy at a specific workplace, the correct personal protective equipment can be determined.

Flickering lights: causes and mitigation

Yachts have ‘weak networks’, usually powered by one or two diesel generators. Combined with high electronic loads and a variety of power levels and technologies, this can cause lights to flicker unexpectedly. That can lead to critical situations in which guests on board become irritable. We have encountered many vessels that experience this problem, and people want to be sure that it doesn’t occur on their yachts.


Srivats Venkateswaran
Srivats is Technical Engineer at HyTEPS. He specializes in arc flash and mainly performs arc flash calculations. He regularly gives arc flash lectures and training sessions.

Seymour Pijpers HyTEPS

Seymour Pijpers
Seymour, a Technical Engineer at HyTEPS, is happy to tell you more about Power Quality and generators.

Christian van Dorst

Christan van Dorst
Christan is Manager Technical Engineering at HyTEPS. During this lecture he will tell you more about various causes of flashing lights on board yachts.


12:00 – 13:00
Walk-in with lunch

13:00 – 16:00
– Lecture Generators and Power Quality by Seymour Pijpers
– Lecture Arc flash calculations by Srivats Venkateswaran
– Lecture Flickering lights: causes and mitigation by Christan van Dorst
– Interaction, discussion, and knowledge testing with our quiz

16:00 – 17:00
Closing, networking opportunity, and drinks


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