Power Quality monitoring

Prevent problems with Monitor Power Quality

A tool for improving energy efficiency and business process continuity

Monitoring provides insight into the quality of voltage and current (Power Quality), as well as into energy consumption and energy flows. Once potential problems related to the quality of electrical energy are fully understood, improvement steps can be taken. These might include reducing energy losses, or preventing equipment failure caused by harmonics or worn out equipment and components. When monitoring Power Quality, it is important to choose the correct energy meters and Power Quality analyzers in combination with associated software (integration) and services.

We support you throughout the entire process, from inventory and advice, to installation, implementation and analysis of measurement data. Following this, we report our findings and propose possible improvements.

Advantages of Power Quality monitoring:

Saves time mapping and analyzing Power Quality
Offers continuous insight into Power Quality, even during changes to the infrastructure
Power Quality issues can be detected quickly and easily
Provides tools for optimizing Power Quality
Demonstrates compliance with laws and regulations related to Power Quality.

Avoid disruptions and unnecessary – costly – energy losses

Poor quality of voltage and current – Power Quality – poses a threat to the efficiency, continuity and safety of electrical installations. Poor Power Quality increases the risk of malfunctions and damage, associated higher maintenance costs, and unnecessary energy losses. Symptoms of poor Power Quality include flickering lights, recurring and inexplicable equipment malfunctions, security systems turning on, shortened equipment life and excessive heating of cables and distributors.

Power Quality monitoring provides insight into:

Voltage, current and power

Voltage dips, peaks and fluctuations

Inrush currents

Voltage level (Overvoltage and undervoltage)






Voltage Notches

Power Quality monitoring; a mix of hardware, software and expert services

We offer an extensive range of Power Quality meters, analyzers and other equipment for monitoring the quality of electricity. We offer this hardware in combination with associated customized software. We also support integration of the hardware and software into your existing IT environment. The right mix of hardware, software and services depends on the installation, your wishes and requirements, rules that must be respected and any existing problems. We engage with stakeholders to identify the purpose of Power Quality monitoring and deliver a total solution. To achieve the best possible results, we can support you with analysis and reporting of measurement data through our monitoring and analysis service. We can provide the total package.

Harmonische vervorming van de sinus

Monitoring & analysis as a HyTEPS service

Not every company has the knowledge or time to actively work with the data obtained through Power Quality monitoring. Every company and employee has their own specialization. We specialize in all aspects of Power Quality and have the knowledge and experience to support you. If desired, we can analyze measurement data for you and periodically issue reports following analysis, and advise on ways of optimizing Power Quality.

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