HyTEPS in heart of Eindhoven Brainport region

HyTEPS moves into second location, situated on TU/e campus

On 1 February 2021, HyTEPS moved into its new office on the TU/e campus in Eindhoven, located in the Catalyst hub, facilitated by Twice. Strong growth of our business and our team meant that our existing offices were no longer adequate. We did not want to give up this unique location, a historic building in the centre of the village of Gemert, home of our company since its foundation in 2007.

HyTEPS sets up in the heart of Brainport Region Eindhoven

We decided to open a second office at the Twice hub Catalyst location on Eindhoven University of Technology Campus, at the heart of the Brainport Region. Both Brainport Eindhoven and Twice stimulate growth and development of innovation and technology, offering ample opportunities for networking and cooperation. Our Eindhoven office brings us closer to companies for whom our support can be of great importance, or even essential. In addition, it facilitates cooperation with companies, educational and knowledge institutions and governments within Brainport Eindhoven, in order to make an even greater contribution to solutions for social issues, such as the energy transition and climate objectives.

Catalyst Bedrijfsruimte Lab Twice
Brainport Eindhoven

Added value TU/e campus

Catalyst’s presence on the TU/e campus is of great added value to HyTEPS. This central location is easily accessible and we are in the vicinity of (future) interns and employees. In addition to the Electrical Engineering Bachelor and Master programmes, the Fontys Nexus building, which houses three institutes in the Technology and Innovation domain, is on the Campus grounds

Sharing knowledge with the engineers of the future

By being close to these institutes, HyTEPS expects to take cooperation to a higher level. Not only by offering internship opportunities and sharing knowledge and experience during company days and lunch lectures, but also by organising master classes and knowledge sessions for students at the Catalyst office and seeking further connection. In this way, we aim to increase students’ knowledge of our specific field – Power Quality. Not just from a theoretical perspective, but also based on our practical knowledge. HyTEPS has been working closely with Prof. Dr. Ir. J.F.G. Cobben, part-time Professor of Power Quality in the Electrical Energy Systems research group at the TU/e Department of Electrical Engineering. Together we bring theory and practice closer together in order to increase knowledge and gain more in-depth insights.

Eindhoven University of Technology logo

Growth of our team to meet increasing demand

As a specialized partner with a wide range of services and solutions, we support companies, government and institutions with issues, problems and challenges that sustainability and the energy transition entail. We aim to grow our team by at least three new technical staff members each year, to meet the continuously increasing demand for our Power Quality expertise.

Beoogde groei van ons team om aan de toenemende vraag te blijven voldoen

Als gespecialiseerd partner met een breed scala aan diensten en oplossingen ondersteunen wij bedrijven, overheid en instellingen bij vraagstukken, problemen en uitdagingen welke de energietransitie en verduurzaming met zich meebrengen. We beogen een groei van ons team met minimaal drie nieuwe technische medewerkers per jaar om aan de continu toenemende vraag naar onze expertise op het gebied van Power Quality te kunnen blijven voldoen.

HyTEPS team in Catalyst Eindhoven
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