Improving Power Quality at Stadion Feijenoord

Changes to the electrical installation of a football stadium can have a significant impact on the quality of voltage and current. To avoid negative consequences, measuring Power Quality factors, making changes where necessary, and testing after each change is necessary.

Feyenoord stadion Power Quality

Replacing stadium lighting at De Kuip

Feijenoord Stadium – also known as De Kuip – was opened in 1937. The capacity of the stadium during matches is 47,500 spectators, during events it can house 50,000 people. HyTEPS was closely involved in the recent replacement of the stadium lighting including all associated Power Quality aspects. This concerned 144 lighting fixtures in four lighting poles, each containing 36 fixtures, plus 58 more in the stadium eaves. The stadium has switched to LED lighting, which offers great financial and technical advantages. The older lighting fixtures no longer met the ever-higher demands of match broadcasts.

First a baseline measurement was carried out, followed by simulation, modification to the installation, and validation.

Step 1: Baseline measurement

Various Power-Quality aspects are included in the baseline measurement. Two luminaires were tested in the HyTEPS lab, and a characterization was carried out: in particular, harmonic current and inrush currents were examined. The latter is important for selectivity: will the main switches or circuit breakers trip when the lighting is switched on? Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and supraharmonics were also examined to determine the switching frequency. We also determined the leakage current, in connection with earth leakage protection.

Step 2: Simulation

All results of the baseline measurement, together with extensive installation data, form the basis for the simulation. Analysis of the results showed that:

  • selectivity was guaranteed
  • no high levels of harmonic voltage are expected
  • no dips are expected when powering on

Based on this, a ‘go’ decision could be made.

The simulation model not only makes it possible to guarantee the quality of the solution, but also calculate the expected savings.

Step 3: Modification of the installation

During the baseline measurement, voltage demonstrably remained within prescribed limits. However, the luminaire manufacturer required adherence to stricter requirements than the standard. Based on this, the voltage was reduced together with the grid operator. The new luminaires were then installed by the contractor.

Stap 4: Validation

When (re)validating the installation after changes have been made, it is important that conditions are (virtually) the same as during the baseline measurement. For the baseline measurement and validation, measurements were taken during a football match. Both the baseline measurement and validation measurement were carried out during games, when the electrical system is fully in use.  

“Validation shows that the installation is working properly and that changes produce the desired results,” explains the responsible HyTEPS Electrical Engineer. “The model used was also validated. Once that model has been validated, you can use it again in the future, should any changes or additions be needed. With a clear final report, HyTEPS has indicated that we consider the risk of malfunction to be ‘low’.”


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