‘Unburdening the installation manager’ seminars huge success!

HyTEPS recently held several seminars for dozens of visitors, at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and at our own offices in Gemert. Interested parties from smaller companies and multinationals took part in lectures and discussions.

Electrical installations are becoming increasingly complex, for example due to integration of installations for sustainable power generation, varying loads, and distorted currents. Installations are increasingly reaching the limits of their capacity. At the same time, expansion is becoming increasingly difficult, due to public grid bottlenecks. As a result, the work of the installation manager, as well as that of other parties directly involved in designing, building, maintaining, and optimizing installations, is becoming increasingly difficult and complicated. With this in mind, HyTEPS regularly brings together installation managers and other interested parties to discuss current themes, share knowledge and exchange experiences.

“At HyTEPS, sharing knowledge is paramount,” explains Christan van Dorst, Manager Technical Engineering. “The HyTEPS Power Competence Centre regularly holds lecture at TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Avans University of Applied Sciences. We also provide ‘in company’ training, for example for large installers. We regularly publish in trade journals and through our own channels and give seminars and webinars on a wide range of topics.”

“These recent seminars focused on ways to utilise and manage the electrical installation efficiently and safely. In addition to practical basic rules, attention was paid to special design aspects, common Power Quality issues and the use of simulation and monitoring to prevent problems and optimize management. Related topics such as the energy transition were also discussed.”

A lecture by Prof. dr.ir. J.F.G (Sjef) Cobben, TU/e, provided insight into system aspects such as design, monitoring, simulation, and measurement. In particular, Power Quality phenomena such as flicker, voltage variations, dips and interruptions, harmonics, and possible solutions were considered. Extensive attention was also paid to standards, measurement, and monitoring.

Christan van Dorst, Manager Technical Engineering, HyTEPS, illustrated these topics based on several real-world case studies. These included voltage variations caused by switching on welding equipment, dimensioning active filters to prevent harmonics at a large solar park, and optimizing protection tripping times in relation to fire hazards. 

The audience actively participated in each seminar, with plenty of questions and discussions. Each seminar was concluded with a quiz and a social program. Reactions were very positive. A selection: “Very informative”, “Interesting up-to-date information about our field”, “Learnt something new about standards and regulations”, and “A great opportunity to catch up with colleagues.” Our thanks to all visitors and to Schiphol for its hospitality. We hope to announce the next seminars soon!


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