Sappi reduces production outage

Sappi Maastricht B.V. reduceert productie uitval door wegnemen harmonischen

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In a very short period, the analog-to-digital cards in our process broke down twice. Because of this, our paper machine broke down. A production stop like this is expensive. We conducted research on the possible cause and after extensive measurements, one deviation became visible: an excess in harmonics.
Harry van den Boorn

Electrical Engineer at Sappi in Maastricht

Reduction Losses
Improvement Quality
Increasing efficiency
Reducing costs

Sappi is world leader of coated paper

Sappi Maastricht B.V. is part of Sappi Fine Paper Europe, a world leader in coated graphical paper and ‘chemical’ cellulose. Sappi has industries in North America, South Africa and Europe, with a total of over 15.500 employees.

Removing harmonics

Measurements showed an excess in harmonics in the installation. “Because there was no other deviation which could explain problems with the analog-to-digital cards, we decided to reduce the current pollution.” according to Mr. Van den Boorn. The ‘Technische Unie informed us in an early stage about the possibilities. Our experiences with the Techniche Unie and the quality of their advice were decisive. We opted for the HyTEPS active filter as the solution. After installing the active filter, we concluded that the harmonic distortion was reduced to and complied with the standard. The third harmonic was almost zero.”

No production breakdown

“One year after commissioning HyTEPS active filter, no more production stops did appear. Together with the increased lifespan of the electrical equipment and components and the reduced energy consumption, we can conclude that the filters payback time is less than a year.”

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