Power Quality lectures given by experts in the field
Drawing from our knowledge and practical experience, we offer customized lectures on Power Quality. The required (level of) knowledge on the topic of Power Quality (quality of electricity) is not the same for everyone. We understand that this is closely related to the training that someone may have followed, the company they work for, and the position they have. In addition, there is also a difference between a lecture at an exhibition / event, for example, and a lecture given to an in-company audience. We can put together our Power Quality lectures to perfectly match your specific wishes and needs.
Many different topics are possible for a Power Quality lecture provided by us. The most suitable topic depends on your wish, but also on, for example, the type of event, the theme, the time available and the target group. Below, we give you some examples of possible lectures:
Possible topics
Would you like a Power Quality lecture delivered by HyTEPS?
We would be happy to discuss the most suitable subject and type of reading with you.

Power Quality lectures during exhibitions and events
We regularly contribute Power Quality lectures to an exhibition or event. This could be at large national or regional technical, energy or sector-oriented events, but also during business events. Our Power Quality lectures can be very technical, focusing largely on energy and durability or could highlight a specific aspect of Power Quality. Depending on the event, the theme, the visitors and other important factors, we can provide a Power Quality lecture that makes a valuable contribution.

Power Quality lectures during collaboration events
In collaboration with national associations, such as Techniek Nederland, ISSO and KVI, we organize Power Quality events. We also regularly organize events together with one of our relations (manufacturers, customers or suppliers in the same industry as HyTEPS). During these collaborative events, HyTEPS and other professionals contribute to Power Quality lectures. These lectures are seamlessly connected and highlight a specific topic from various angles. Our lectures are always related to our specialization: Power Quality.

Customized lectures
HyTEPS also provides customized (customer-specific) lectures. It is important for a company that more than general causes, risks and solutions are shared during a Power Quality lecture – extra attention should also be paid to the specific situation of your company and industry. During our customized lectures, we ensure that these topics of importance to your company and your employees are discussed. This type of customer-specific Power Quality lecture can be given at our regular training location (Eindhoven University of Technology), at your company or at a location you have arranged.

Lunch lectures
Would you like to offer your employees and/or colleagues a general introduction on the subject of Power Quality? Or do you want to briefly highlight one specific Power Quality subject (harmonics, reactive power, voltage dips, or costs)? A Power Quality lunch lecture would be a very suitable option for this. We will visit your company to give a lecture lasting one to one and a half hours around lunchtime. You provide lunch, we provide the customized Power Quality lecture.