Paragon chooses HyTEPS as their partner for products and services
Improving the quality of electricity on rig B391

Our rigs are equipped with their own electric power generation. A good quality of voltage and current is essential to ensure reliability and continuity. Our B391 rig was scheduled for maintenance and we are very pleased with HyTEPS as our partner in enhancing the Power Quality of the B391. Their services and products have proven to be very successful.
Good electrical quality is essential
Paragon Offshore, spun off from Noble Corporation in 2014, is the leading provider of standard specification offshore drilling services. Their large diversified fleet, global presence and well-established customer relationships positions Paragon for success.
“At the end of 2014, we participated in one of the HyTEPS Power Quality trainings at the Eindhoven University of Technology. We got deep insight into the influence of the quality of electricity on the reliability, continuity and efficiency of our rigs. Our rigs are equipped with their own electric power generation. A good quality of voltage and current (Power Quality) is essential. We asked HyTEPS to perform a survey to measure and analyze the Power Quality of our rig B391.
Solutions for improvement
“The survey indicated that there was room for improvement. Reducing the presence of harmonic distortions, voltage notches and reactive power would improve the continuity and efficiency of our electrical installation and all its components. HyTEPS advised us several of their products including Harmonic Filters in order to achieve this. They also advised us to install some of their Power Quality meters in order to keep insight into the quality and consumption of electrical energy on the B391.”
Less failures and higher continuity
“Immediately after installation and commissioning of the HyTEPS solutions, the Power Quality has improved tremendously. This results in less electrical disturbances, lower energy losses and higher production continuity. All of this made visible by means of the Power Quality meters, on-site survey and the positive reactions of our rig engineers.”