Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Any electrical or electronic device may act as a source of electromagnetic disruption

Today’s electrical systems are becoming larger and more complex. Increasingly, combinations of different types of equipment can be found within electrical installations. This introduces a wide variety of challenges, particularly with regard to the operation of equipment in different environments and conditions. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is related to this issue. Electromagnetic Compatibility is one of HyTEPS’ areas of expertise, in which we have been providing analyses, advice and solutions for many years.

From a standard range of filters to custom engineered solutions

In addition to a broad range of EMC filters (including three-phase filters from manufacturer Schaffner), we offer services and advice for finding the best solution. For cases in which a standard filter will not suffice, we work together with customers and manufacturers to achieve the best result. In selected cases, this may consist of engineering a customer-specific product. Our specialism is primarily in situations in which a standard filter would not bring satisfactory results.

Definition of EMC

Various definitions of Electromagnetic Compatibility exist, but EMC could be described as: the (satisfactory) functioning of a component, device or entire system within its electromagnetic environment, without causing unacceptable electromagnetic disruptions within this environment.

Two aspects are important here: 1) the ability to function in an electromagnetic environment (immunity) and 2) minimizing electromagnetic disruption to other devices (emission). Within EMC a distinction is often made between the source of a disruption and the ‘victim’ of that disruption. Between the source and the victim, disruption can take place in four different ways: inductive, capacitive, conduction and radiation. Of course, in practice, any combination of these four might occur.

EMC: not always considered during design

By making the right decisions in the design phase of a component, device or complete system, EMC disruptions can be prevented. Consider the correct grounding principle, the separation of the signal and power cables, shielding and filtering. However, in practice Electromagnetic Compatibility is often overlooked. As the definition suggests, the fact that a component or device functions properly provides no guarantee that the system it is part of will also work properly. In practice, well-designed equipment will often perform poorly due to insufficient EMC as a result of incorrect technical decisions in the preliminary stage.

EMC: not always considered during design

Standards are inadequate

Emission and immunity limits that components, equipment or entire systems must meet are described in the IEC 61000 standards (dc-9kHz and 150-kHz-30MHz) to ensure proper operation.

Not everything is clearly standardized, though. In fact, there are some grey areas within the EMC domain, for which no regulations or guidelines exist (9kHz-150kHz). As a result of to the increase of (fast switching) electronic equipment, problems increasingly arise in electrical installations that fall in this grey area. In many cases, switching frequencies of electronic equipment fall within the frequency range of 9kHz and 150kHz, making the use of standard solutions, such as traditional EMC filters, impossible. In such cases HyTEPS can provide specially designed solutions that are essential to your specific situation.


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