The electrical installation: measuring and managing
The energy transition and the implementation of an ever-widening range of innovative electronics introduce many challenges. Electrical installation designers and installation managers are dealing with this every day. Managing the installation requires an increased level of specialist knowledge. HyTEPS would like to support you in this area. One way in which we aim to do this is by sharing our knowledge during this online seminar. In addition, you can always contact us to discuss how we can be of added value to you.
Online seminar
Duration: 1 hour + 10 minutes opportunity to ask questions
Language of the seminar: Dutch
The energy transition and the implementation of an ever-widening range of innovative electronics introduce many challenges. Electrical installation designers and installation managers are dealing with this every day. Managing the installation requires an increased level of specialist knowledge. HyTEPS would like to support you in this area. One way in which we aim to do this is by sharing our knowledge during this online seminar. In addition, you can always contact us to discuss how we can be of added value to you.
The importance of process control
A good electrical installation starts with a good design. This is followed by delivery inspection, proper maintenance and monitoring of the quality of modifications and the operating condition. Re-inspection is necessary in order to permanently monitor the quality. This seminar looks at installation design (and the importance of simulation) and monitoring. A good design also includes arc flash calculations that will be explained by Vera Verbakel (HyTEPS) later in the seminar.
Sjef Cobben J.F.G Cobben During the seminar, Sjef Cobben will discuss the importance of controlling the process.
Reducing risks through simulations
Performing simulations has many advantages; this reduces risks and issues, is cost-effective and increases insight into the electrical installation. There are numerous simulation services that can support and relieve the person responsible for the installation. With the right knowledge, years of experience and professional tools, we not only ensure existing risks and problems in an electrical installation are solved, but can also predict potential problems.
Seymour Pijpers
Seymour Pijpers, Technical Engineer at HyTEPS. He will look into about the importance of carrying out simulations.
More control through monitoring
The importance of understanding energy flows in an installation is greater than ever. The energy transition is making the greatest possible demands on our electricity networks and making quality and reliability of supply more important than ever. Increasing demand for electrical energy places a heavier burden on electrical installations and increases the risk of unplanned outages. Besides overloading, Power Quality also plays a crucial role in optimal operation of the installation and can create more capacity within the installation. Improved insight through monitoring means the installation manager can better manage the installation, and allows them toy to anticipate possible risks in time. Insight into the load on the installation, but also into its current status, helps manage the installation optimally and keep your finger on the pulse.
Christan van Dorst
Christan van Dorst, Manager Technical Engineering at HyTEPS. During the seminar, he will talk about monitoring: measuring and keeping a finger on the pulse.
Arc flash calculations
All work on the electricity grid involves the risk of short circuits and arcs. Arc flashes are rare, but the consequences can be disastrous. Technicians, installers and bystanders are at great risk from the enormous explosion resulting from an arc. Optimal arc protection is an absolute necessity. Predicting the behaviour of the arc flash increases safety. It provides insight into risks and how these risks can best be managed. Knowing the electrical energy in each distribution board makes it possible to determine the right PPE for all situations.
Vera Verbakel
Vera Verbakel, Sales & Relation manager at HyTEPS. During the seminar, Vera will elaborate on the use and necessity of electric arc calculations.